The first two freedoms concern the passage of commercial aircraft through foreign airspace and airports, while the other freedoms concern the international transport of passengers, mail and cargo. The first to fifth freedom is officially listed by international treaties, including the Chicago Convention. Several other freedoms have been added and, although most of them are not officially recognized by the international treaties generally in force, they have been agreed by a number of countries. Lower freedoms are relatively universal, while higher numbered freedoms are rarer and more controversial. Liberal open-air agreements are often the least restrictive form of air agreements and can encompass many, if not all, freedoms. They are relatively rare, but the recent single aviation markets in the European Union (European Common Aviation Area) and between Australia and New Zealand are examples. Depending on who you ask, perhaps. From a technical point of view, there are some additional freedoms, but they do not add much. You usually deal with slight variations in the fifth freedom (for example. B if the flight does not continue to the home country of an airline, the right to fly entirely within a foreign country, etc.) and if you`re not trying to impress your friends, you don`t need to know if a flight falls under the modified sixth or eighth freedom of aviation. The first and second freedoms grant the right to cross a country without carrying traffic that begins or ends there and is called the “right of transit”.
[2]:146 The Chicago Convention designed a multilateral agreement in which the first two freedoms, known as the International Air Services Transit Agreement (IASTA) or “Two Freedoms Agreement,” were open to all signatories. By mid-2007, the treaty had been accepted by 129 countries. [5] The fact that aviation freedoms are independent of trade agreements remains a major problem. Therefore, there could be a free trade agreement between two countries, which implies the liberalization of trade and the possibility for the companies concerned to invest. However, their respective air carriers could continue to operate within the same commercial limits as before the trade agreement. Since air agreements are essentially mercantilist negotiations aimed at ensuring a fair exchange of traffic rights, the outcome of a bilateral agreement may not be fully reciprocal, but reflects the relative size and geographical location of two markets, especially in the case of a large country negotiating with a much smaller country. [19]:129 In exchange for a small state that grants a larger country fifth-freedom rights, the small country may be able to access movement with the sixth freedom to wider destinations in the larger country. [19]:129-130 “Fifth Freedom” may seem like a hybrid between a rock band and a physical theory, but the origin of the name is actually a bit boring.