Agreement On Work-Related Stress

The framework agreement does not address violence, harassment and post-traumatic stress. Different chapters briefly write the description of work-related stress/stress, the identification of problems related to work-related stress, the responsibilities of employers and workers, as well as the reduction and prevention of problems related to work-related stress. In 2004, the European Trade Union Confederation, the Union of Industrial and Employers` Organisations of Europe, the European Association of Small and Medium-sized Craft Enterprises and the European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and Enterprises of General Economic Interest signed the Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress. The aim of the actors is to increase awareness and understanding of work-related stress. In addition, employers and workers benefit from a framework to identify and prevent problems related to work-related stress. The agreement describes in the agreement a study on recent trends and measures taken by the EU and national measures to address work-related stress and psychological problems as “a condition accompanied by physical, psychological or social disorders or dysfunctions and which is due to the fact that individuals do not feel able to meet the demands or expectations imposed on them”. To determine if there is a work-related stress problem, it may be necessary to analyze factors such as work organization and processes, work conditions and environment, communication, and subjective factors. Signs may be high rates of absenteeism or staff turnover, frequent interpersonal conflicts, or complaints from workers. Information and consultation of workers and/or their representatives, in accordance with EU law, collective agreements and practice and the laws and legislation of the N.

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